Accommodations near Kelowna Airport
Stay at Silver Star Motel and take advantage of affordable guest rooms at our hotel near Kelowna International Airport. Our centrally located motel offers you convenient access to the highway, perfect for visitors on the go that look to explore our corner of British Columbia. Save with our competitive rates and complimentary amenities, like free WiFi and free parking. Travel to your morning flight with ease thanks to the short commute from our hotel close to Kelowna Airport.
Getting There
Drive just 40km from our hotel near Kelowna International Airport to this transportation hub. This stunning and scenic drive will take you about 30 minutes.
Head south on Okanagan Highway all the way to Airport Way where the airport is located.
Looking for an airport shuttle from Kelowna International Airport? We now offer a partnership with Vernon Tour and Shuttle. Take advantage of our special rate discount by mentioning your reservation. Contact 1-779-692-5577 or visit Vernon Tour and Shuttle.
Visitor Information
Before you head to the airport, note:
Hours of operation - the terminal itself is open 24hrs a day, 7 days week. The administration office is only open Monday to Fridays from 8 am to 4 pm.
Parking - Parking is available on the site for both short-term and long-term stays. Prices and additional information can be found online.
Baggage carts - find carts provided on-site at no additional charge.
Traveling with pets - all pets must be contained in their traveling case inside the airport. Check with your airline for their specific pet policies.